XNA Game Studio Express - Toronto Game Camp and SpaceWar Webcast

Oct 18, 2006 • One minute to read

*Updated to include Seattle Code Camp (per Z-man)

**Seattle Code Camp - October 27-28th **There are many XNA sessions including:

Exploring the XNA Framework by Mitch Walker *

Introduction to the Programmable Pipeline in XNA by Rick Hoskinson *

Making an XNA Game for the Xbox 360 by Charles Cox *

XNA Balls by Jason Mauer

**Toronto Game Camp - November 11th **Daniel Shapiro from Microsoft Canada is hosting a free 1-day Game Camp for students, teachers, and hobbyists in Toronto that will show off how to create games using XNA Game Studio Express. Sign up while there are still seats available! I’d love it if this came to Seattle :)

**Intro to the SpaceWar Starter Kit and the XNA Framework - On-Demand Webcast **This webcast walks developers through the SpaceWar Starter Kit, a fully built multiplayer 2D space shooter game and the key components of the XNA Framework. Watch it now


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