Disabling Win 2003 Shutdown Event Tracker

Aug 06, 2003 • One minute to read

Mark Michaelis discusses how to disable the often annoying, at least from a developers perspective, Shutdown Event Tracker in Windows Server 2003. Its basically a prompt that makes you explain why the machine is being shut down and won’t shut down until you type something into the comments box. Anyone trying to understand why my machine has been turned off will wonder if “asdf” is some unnamed and unreleased MS prototype software:)

You can find instructions for disabling this here, and if you don’t have Group Policy Manager as a default in your Administrative Tools (I didn’t), you can add this by:

Clicking start»run…

type “mmc.exe

Select file»Add/Remove Snap In…

Click Add…

Select Group Policy

Click Add

Click Close

Click OK

Then just follow the directions

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